
Bookshelves bolstered: Gov't donates 5,500 to children nationwide

Moldova's children are in for a literary feast, thanks to the government's successful "Library Under the Christmas Tree" campaign.

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Doubling its haul from last year, the initiative collected a staggering 5,500 books, all destined for libraries and hospital wards across the country.

This heartwarming display of collective generosity saw students, professionals, and even government officials stepping up to donate stories for youngsters of all ages. "Dozens of institutions participated," praised Daniel Voda, the government spokesperson. "We're particularly grateful to ministries and agencies for bringing such joy to our future generation."

One donation stood out: a signed copy of "Captain at Fifteen" from the Finance Minister, who penned a special message. "I hope this book inspires a future captain of our times," he wrote, perhaps hinting at a potential successor in the making.

This festive campaign forms part of the broader "Come Home for Christmas" initiative, which aims to celebrate national culture throughout Moldova. With classrooms and hospitals soon receiving their literary windfall, countless young minds in Moldova are sure to embark on thrilling adventures between the pages.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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