
The new Minister of Labour, Alexei Buzu, took the oath

Alexei Buzu, who was recently appointed as Minister of Labor and Social Protection, took the oath on Tuesday, January 10, in front of President Maia Sandu and Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița. Alexei Buzu replaced Marcel Spatari, who announced his resignation for personal reasons. The head of state and the prime minister came up with recommendations and pointed out several priorities in the work of the new minister.

"Mr. Buzu, you have to continue a very ambitious agenda formulated by the ministry. We count on your work and professionalism. The priorities are clear: ensuring the continuity of the reform agenda. We need a more efficient system of social assistance, this means a suitable system for recording and tracking social payments", said Maia Sandu during the investiture ceremony.

The president suggested replacing the current information systems with the information system that the ministry controls. "A system that ensures the inclusion of all elements of the social assistance program in a single system and that allows us to reduce errors of inclusion, errors of exclusion and, above all, allows us to fight abuses. Because we know that there are situations when social payments are used for political purposes by certain people", said the Head of State.

According to Maia Sandu, another priority of the Ministry of Labor must be to monitor the implementation of the recent amendments to the law regarding social assistance. "We have to see if these changes are enough. What we want is for this social aid to turn into a temporary aid, maybe we even have to change the name of this payment. Because we don't want this social aid to discourage work. It must reach those who cannot work and need help, and in no case must it become a source of income for those who can work, but do not want to do it," said Maia Sandu.

For her part, Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița thanked Marcel Spatari and the efforts of her colleagues at the Ministry of Labor. "If we think about it, a year and a half ago this ministry didn't even exist. For a year and a half, this team not only managed to create and strengthen itself, but also to implement all those policies," said the prime minister.

Natalia Gavrilița wished success to the new minister and thanked him for accepting to lead the ministry in a period that continues to be complicated. "Mr. Minister Buzu, you will lead a ministry that has the duty to equally promote the right to work in decent conditions, worthy of a European state, and our solidarity with our peers who are in difficult situations," Gavrilița also said.

Referring to the reform of the State Labor Inspectorate, Natalia Gavrilița mentioned that the new minister must ensure that the new levers offered to this institution will not become an impediment to the development of bona fide business. "It is important to continue the social dialogue with unions, employers and representatives of the business environment in a broad sense,*" the prime minister added.

Moldova 1 recalls that Alexei Buzu has a degree in economics and has advanced studies in the management of non-profit organizations and strategic management. He is the director of the Development Partnership Center and the president of the non-governmental organization "Geronimo", which develops and implements community development projects.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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