
Proposed changes to the State Tax Law, harshly criticised by the opposition

The opposition criticises the State Tax Law. The project, which was approved in the first reading, provides for more payments in court processes. The leader of the Coalition for Unity and Welfare (CUB), Igor Munteanu, claims that the law restricts access to justice, and the socialist deputy Adrian Lebedinschi asked for the postponement of the voting procedure. The governing party, however, is counting on this law to eliminate vicious practices from the judicial system, explained the president of the Judiciary Commission, Olesea Stamate.

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The new law introduces a mandatory stamp duty of 200 lei, valid for any action, request or procedure requested in the first instance or on appeal. The court postponement fee can reach 3,200 lei, depending on how often lawyers use this tool.

For requests to recuse judges, to relocate the file or to explain the court's decision, the state applies fees of 400 lei. There are other payments that the Ombudsman and the Bar Union had previously criticised. And now the opposition has reacted. The President of the Coalition for Unity and Welfare believes that the initiative is dangerous and inappropriate for our justice system.

"If you have money, you go to justice, if you don't have money, you stay at home and endure the abuse. Lawsuits will bankrupt litigants who will be out of pocket more with every move initiated in defence or prosecution of certain abuses. This is actually denying the institution of justice in its essence. This is not reform from our point of view, this is a mockery", declared the president of CUB, Igor Munteanu.

Socialists demanded that the voting procedure be stopped.

"It is an attempt to compensate for the incompetence in the implementation of social-economic policies and to increase budget revenues at the expense of those who are already in an extremely difficult economic-financial situation. In fact, the interest of adopting this law is the addition of another 52.2 million lei annually to the state budget", said Adrian Lebedinschi, BCS deputy.

The law was approved on first reading at the last Parliament session. According to Olesa Stamate, who put her signature on the project, there were consultations with judges, lawyers and notaries, but others will follow until the vote in the final reading. If necessary, amendments will be introduced. However, the concept is good, claims the president of the legal commission: "The stamp duty is not exaggerated, and the goal is to eliminate the harmful practices of procrastinating court proceedings", explained Olesea Stamate.

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