
Moldova's new foreign minister vows continued EU dialogue, reunification efforts

Newly appointed Foreign Minister Mihai Popșoi outlined his priorities on Monday, pledging to strengthen Moldova's dialogue with the European Union and key partners like Romania, the US, and Ukraine.

"We must be ambitious and utilise all diplomatic means at our disposal," Popșoi said, emphasising improved consular services for citizens both domestically and abroad.

He also addressed the creation of the new Bureau for European Affairs, ensuring the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will retain its core functions and continue promoting Moldova's foreign policy and national interests.

Popșoi reiterated the importance of diplomacy in achieving the country's reunification, stressing the need for international recognition of Moldova's territorial integrity. He highlighted ongoing challenges with one particular country, likely referring to Russia's military presence in Transnistria.

Regarding relations with Russia, Popșoi stated that Moldova will maintain a principled stance based on national interests.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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