
Japan boosts Moldova's food security with grant for affordable fertiliser

Moldovan agriculture received a welcome boost on Thursday with the ratification of a €1.9 million grant agreement from the Japanese government.

Sursa: IPN

This "Farmers' Insurance with Fertilisers" project aims to alleviate the burden of rising input costs for small and medium-sized farmers, enhancing food security in the country.

"This project is crucial for Moldova, especially facing current crises that have inflated agricultural input prices," emphasised Viorel Gherciu, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry.

The grant provides key benefits to farmers:

Implementation of the project falls under the Agency for Development and Modernization of Agriculture (ADMA).


This initiative represents a valuable contribution to Moldova's food security efforts. The grant empowers smallholder farmers, particularly vulnerable to input price fluctuations, to secure essential resources and maintain production.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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