About a hundred localities in the Republic of Moldova do not have access to medicines. "Pharmacy in your village" reached only 47 villages in 2024
In many villages in the Republic of Moldova, access to medicines remains a major problem, due to the lack of pharmacies. Though the authorities launched the "Pharmacy in your village" project, within which they proposed to open 146 state-subsidized pharmacies this year, only 47 were created. So the inhabitants of many villages still have limited access to the necessary treatments, and this situation especially affects the elderly or those with chronic diseases.

Such a situation is attested in the village of Sheptelici in Soroca district, where a thousand people live. In the absence of a pharmacy, people are forced to travel 15 kilometers to the city to purchase the necessary medicines.
"We have a very hard time, we go to the city and buy medicines.It's hard for us because we go by bus, but when we come back, we have to take the bus to Otaci or Badiceni. There are old residents, there are invalids who can't travel to Soroca and they would buy medicines if there was a pharmacy in the village of Şeptelici"
"I have a medical kit where I stock up on several types of medicine so that in case of need I can use it and not have more serious health problems. We want a pharmacy with a wider range of medicines, so that the villagers can go to it at any time".
The local authorities say that they have already identified the place where a pharmacy could be opened in the village. Thus, they aim to ensure that elderly people in particular have access to vital medicines.
"For the elderly and the sick, this travel is difficult and expensive. If a person does not have a car, then he , he turns to another person and pays for the transport which costs him at least 100 lei to travel. We already have a pharmacist specialist who lives in the village, and we would somehow ease the possibility and living conditions of sick citizens," said the mayor of the village of Sheptelici, Victorița Andriuța.
In the neighbouring village of Rublenița, with a population of over three thousand people, one of the 47 pharmacies under the "Pharmacy in Your Village" project was opened at the beginning of December.
People are happy that they no longer have to travel long distances to buy the necessary things.
“We think it’s great that a pharmacy has opened in our village because we have small children and it’s very convenient for us, we can come by seven o’clock to buy something for the children in case of something. We don’t have to go to the city.”
“I’m pregnant and I often need certain medicines and I can find them in the village.”
“We have practically all the products in the pharmacy, what we don’t have we order, people are happy in the village, they come and say that it’s very convenient for them, especially the elderly who can’t move and it’s very difficult for them to go to the city, to come back”, said pharmacist Mariana Tican.
The first pharmacy opened within the “Pharmacy in Your Village” project was opened in March in the village of Alexăndreni, Singerei district. Community pharmacies are established in villages with over a thousand inhabitants, and the authorization is issued free of charge. Entrepreneurs who open pharmacies benefit from monthly subsidies of 10 to 20 thousand lei, depending on the registered income.