
Stela Leuca Resigns as Secretary of State for European Integration

Stela Leuca has tendered her resignation from the esteemed post of Secretary of State for European Integration within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

While refraining from delineating the specifics that precipitated this decision, she conveyed her profound appreciation "for the mutually beneficial collaboration with governmental entities in advancing the Republic of Moldova's trajectory towards the European Union."

In a message disseminated via Facebook, she articulated, "Although I am embarking on a new chapter, the bonds and experiences we've shared will indelibly reside within me. I eagerly anticipate bearing witness to our nation's strides towards EU accession. I harbour every confidence that you will persist in achieving laudable milestones! As both a citizen of the Republic of Moldova and a devoted professional, our collective endeavours will serve as the bedrock of my fresh endeavours, guiding me in my endeavour to effectuate positive change wherever my path may lead."

During her tenure spanning two and a half years at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Stela Leuca served as the fulcrum for European Integration, operating under the aegis of Minister Nicu Popescu.

It merits attention that on January 24th, Nicu Popescu formally announced his resignation from the esteemed mantle of Foreign Minister. His mantle was assumed by the erstwhile Vice President of Parliament, Mihai Popșoi. Concurrently, the stewardship of the European integration dossier has devolved upon the Office for European Integration, overseen by Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Cristina Gherasimov.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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