
Buiucani Court: More than 268 million lei from the sale of Veaceslav Platon's shares will go to the state's account

The money obtained from the sale of the shares owned by the controversial fugitive businessman Veaceslav Platon, in one of the commercial banks in the Republic of Moldova, will go to the state's account. On Thursday, December 12, the Chisinau Court based in Buiucani accepted the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office's action in the case of Veaceslav Platon accused of money laundering.

The money is kept in a bank account to this day. The magistrates of the Buiucani Court decided that the more than 268 million lei, obtained from the sale of 63.89% of the bank's shares, should be transferred to the treasury account of the National Anticorruption Center. The decision can be challenged to the Court of Appeal within 15 days. We mention that Veaceslav Platon was accused in the "Laundromat" file. In the same way, the court, in the same criminal case, pronounced the conclusion by which it rejected the requests of Ilan Şor regarding his recognition as the injured party and the civil party.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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