
Moldovan president donates the "Timișoara for European Values" Award to an organization for children with Down syndrome

Head of State Maia Sandu donated the "Timișoara for European Values" Award to the "Prietena Mea" organization, founded by Ludmila Adamciuc, reads a press release from the Presidency.

According to the presidential institution, the association's mission is to increase the degree of acceptance of disabilities by informing, raising awareness and empowering both parents of children with special needs and society.

"The association "Prietena Mea" is the voice of children with Down syndrome and promotes their inclusion, so that they live in harmonious families and communities. Every child needs the love of those around them to grow, develop and be happy," said Maia Sandu.

The Association for the Promotion of Timisoara will directly transfer the money to the "Prietena Mea" Public Association. We remind you that this January, Maia Sandu received the "Timișoara For European Values" award. At the awarding ceremony, the head of state said that this award is "an appreciation for the way the citizens of the Republic of Moldova defend their right to live in peace and democracy."

"I am honored to receive this award, which I do not consider a personal recognition, but an appreciation for the way the citizens of the Republic of Moldova defend their right to live in peace and democracy. An award for European values", declared Maia Sandu at the time.

The award, which aims to honor "internationally recognized personalities who, with determination, courage and creativity, promote or defend European values inside and outside the European Union", was accompanied by a €30,000 bonus, money from private Timisoara companies, said the mayor of Timisoara, Dominic Fritz.

Giving this money to a head of state has sparked a wave of criticism of the president, especially from politicians. It also attracted the attention of Russia. More precisely, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation made a post on Facebook criticizing Maia Sandu's decision to accept this award.

Later, the Presidency of the Republic of Moldova requested the opinion of the National Anticorruption Center, which, in a response, stated that the term "prize" does not fall under the notion of "gift" and is therefore not illegal.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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