
Judge Aliona Miron: Superior Council of Magistracy Member

In a significant development, Judge Aliona Miron has secured a position as a member of the Superior Council of Magistracy, following her election during the General Assembly of Judges, with an overwhelming majority of 234 magistrates endorsing her candidacy.

Notably, Judge Miron emerged as the sole nominee for the coveted post.

Highlighting recent proceedings, on February 14th, the Superior Council of Magistracy formally approved the report submitted by the Pre-Vetting Commission concerning Judge Aliona Miron. This endorsement follows the conclusion of the Vetting Commission's comprehensive evaluation, encompassing Judge Miron's tenure at the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), alongside fellow candidates Sergiu Brigai and Viorica Puica, for the SCJ judge position. Consequently, the Vetting Commission proposed to the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) that these three individuals undergo external assessment. Notably, Judge Aliona Miron, entrusted with adjudicating the Avia Invest case, successfully navigated the PreVetting Commission's scrutiny for the second time.

Further consolidating the judiciary's leadership, Judge Alexandru Spoială of the Court of Appeal of Chișinău assumes the presidency of the General Assembly of Judges, with Nelea Budăi, vice-president of the Court of Appeal of Chișinău, appointed as the assembly's secretary.

Guiding the assembly proceedings is Sergiu Caraman, serving as interim president of the CSM. Noteworthy attendees include the esteemed presence of Minister of Justice, Veronica Mihailov-Moraru. A gathering of 300 judges underscores the assembly's deliberative nature. Minister Mihailov-Moraru underscored the pivotal role of the CSM in realising institutional objectives, emphasising the imperative of promptly augmenting its membership.

"The judiciary serves as the vanguard of legal enforcement, ensuring accountability for transgressions. Integral to democratic governance is the symbiotic relationship between the legislative, executive, and judiciary, fostering a cohesive framework rather than compartmentalised governance. Citizens entrust not only elected officials but also judicial officers to uphold principles of justice, equilibrium, and order. Our collective responsibility transcends mere rhetoric; the imperative of an independent judiciary remains paramount for our aspirations towards EU accession. While the onus is weighty, the opportunities for progress are equally vast. The unwavering support of the EU and development partners facilitates transformative initiatives across various sectors, albeit at a measured pace," articulated Minister of Justice, Veronica Mihailov-Moraru.

Original News: In a pivotal announcement, the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) has confirmed that the General Assembly of Judges (GAJ) is slated for Friday, March 1st, as per a directive issued at the close of December 2023. The assembly aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the SCM's endeavours concerning the administrative and operational facets of the judiciary throughout the preceding year.

Additionally, the assembly proceedings will feature the election of a new member to the Superior Council of Magistracy.

The event took place at the Palace of the Republic in Chisinau.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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