
Moldovan Prosecutor Steps Down, Citing Responsibility

In a move that could shake up the country's legal landscape, Moldovan prosecutor Olesea Vîrlan has resigned from her position on the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP).

Vîrlan's resignation comes amid controversy surrounding her evaluation of candidates for the position of Prosecutor General.

On February 28, the CSP was forced to annul the competition for Prosecutor General after Vîrlan was unable to justify a low score she gave to Ion Munteanu, the current interim Prosecutor General. Vîrlan later admitted to mistakes in her evaluation.

CSP President Dumitru Obadă praised Vîrlan's decision, calling it a sign of responsibility, maturity, and accountability. "He commended her courage in making this request," a statement from the CSP reads.

Vîrlan's departure creates uncertainty in the selection process for Moldova's top prosecutor. The CSP will need to determine the next steps for filling the critical position.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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