
Moldova Boosts Media Oversight with AI-Powered Monitoring

The Audiovisual Council in Moldova is set to streamline monitoring of news, debate shows, and talk shows using AI-powered software.

This initiative, backed by the European Union, the United States, and the Netherlands, will enhance oversight capabilities significantly.

Through sophisticated AI algorithms, video content in Romanian and Russian will be transcribed into text, enabling monitors to identify program topics and speakers more efficiently. This advancement also facilitates quantitative content analysis, aimed at combating disinformation.

Kent Logsdon, the US Ambassador to Moldova, commended the team's dedication to meticulously monitoring TV content, identifying cases of foreign malign influence, and enforcing sanctions to safeguard Moldova's audiovisual space.

Janis Mazeiks, the EU Ambassador to Moldova, stressed the importance of equipping actors with the skills to address informational challenges, particularly those stemming from Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

Fred Duijn, the Dutch Ambassador to Moldova, highlighted the manipulation prevalent in both traditional and non-traditional media, where truth is distorted and misinformation masquerades as reality.

Liliana Vițu, the president of the CA, emphasised the goal of ensuring authentic pluralism in Moldova through effective monitoring. Equipping their institution with such a tool will optimise performance and enhance efficiency.

According to the Audiovisual Council, the program, developed by a Spanish company, comes at a value of nearly 350 thousand euros.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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