Onco-Cardiology: Protecting Hearts During Cancer Care
Onco-cardiology is a rapidly developing field that focuses on the intersection of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Specialists in this field believe that onco-cardiology can make a significant contribution to the care and treatment of patients with both cancer and cardiovascular conditions.
While cancer treatments can sometimes have adverse effects on the heart and cardiovascular system, an integrated approach between oncologists and cardiologists can significantly improve patient outcomes and quality of life.
Early Detection and Prevention
Thanks to modern studies and therapies, a cancer diagnosis is no longer a death sentence if managed correctly. Consultation with and monitoring by an onco-cardiologist is one of the conditions for effective cancer management.
"According to all European and international cardiology guidelines, regardless of the patient's age, they all need to undergo some cardiological investigations," says Natalia Tîmbur, an onco-cardiologist. "If we do this screening for cardiac pathology before cancer treatment, it helps us classify these patients into different groups, so that each group can be given the treatment they need."
The specialist says that if cardiological investigations are carried out in time, health problems can be prevented and cancer treatment is not stopped.
A Priority for the Health System
According to the Ministry of Health, cancer is the second leading cause of death in Moldova, after cardiovascular disease, making it a priority issue for the health system. Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment services for cancer are covered by the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund for all persons, including the uninsured.
Onco-cardiology is a promising new field that has the potential to improve the lives of many patients. By working together, oncologists and cardiologists can provide more effective and personalised care for patients with cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Translation by Iurie Tataru