
Investing in Moldova's Future: President Maia Sandu's Vision for Education

President Maia Sandu convened with the students and educators of "Mihai Eminescu" College in Soroca on Tuesday, March 19th. Discussions centred around education, the future, Moldova's EU accession, and avenues for collective contribution to this endeavour.

As per an official communication from the Presidency, the Ministry of Education and Research has earmarked over half a million euros, sourced from the World Bank, for the modernization of classrooms and laboratories.

President Maia Sandu commended the ongoing investments at Soroca College aimed at enhancing study conditions.

"The blueprint for fostering a European Moldova underscores present actions and, more importantly, charts the trajectory for the future - one that encapsulates the destinies of these children and all Moldovan youth. It is incumbent upon us to bequeath to them a nation characterised by freedom, tranquillity, and education, where diligent labour is met with prosperity," underscored the head of state.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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