
Moldova Digitizes Key Services for Entrepreneurs

A portion of the public services offered to entrepreneurs in Moldova will be digitised, and others will be provided proactively.

On Thursday, March 21, the Parliament voted in the second reading on a draft law to adapt the regulatory framework to allow for the digitization of services.

According to a press release from the Legislative, six public services provided by the following institutions will be digitised: the National Agency for Regulation in Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI), the National Accreditation Center of Moldova (MOLDAC), and the National Institute of Metrology (INM).

Within ANRCETI, the following services will be digitised:

At MOLDAC, the accreditation act for conformity assessment bodies will cease to be a mandatory requirement for entrepreneurs. It will be provided digitally on the institution's platform.

At INM, the following services will be available for digital request:

The initiative to adapt the regulatory framework, developed by the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization, supports the plan to provide 100% of public services digitally by 2030.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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