
Searches in several customs posts on both sides of the Moldovan-Romanian border

The officers of the Internal Protection and Anti-corruption Service (SPIA) of the MAI, together with anti-corruption officers and the support of the Integrity and Supervision Directorate of the Customs Service, raided several customs posts on both sides of the Moldovan-Romanian border today.

According to a press release from SPIA, the criminal prosecution actions are carried out in the framework of a criminal case concerning suspicions regarding the commission of corruption crimes in connection with the transit of some border points.

The joint investigations were carried out over more than a year, being documented by employees of the Customs Service and the General Inspectorate of the Border Police.

The border police condemns "any illegality within the institution" and mentions that internal investigations have been launched and, at the same time, the necessary support is given to the competent bodies in order to elucidate all the circumstances and bring them to justice in accordance with the legal norms.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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