
Moldova Prepares for EU Membership Referendum

The Moldovan government has reiterated its strong commitment to European integration and is encouraging citizens to actively participate in the upcoming autumn referendum on EU membership.

Sursa: IPN

This follows the Constitutional Court's decision to approve revising the Constitution through a public vote.

Alexandru Tănase, the former president of the High Court, sees the referendum as a valuable opportunity to unify the Moldovan people behind the shared goal of joining the European Union. He emphasised that the referendum itself doesn't guarantee accession, but rather signifies the country's irreversible path towards the European value system. This will be followed by enacting constitutional provisions that align Moldova's legislation with that of the EU.

Prime Minister Dorin Recean echoed these sentiments, urging the public to consolidate the government's ongoing efforts by voting in the October 20th referendum. He emphasised the importance of a strong turnout as Moldova seeks to solidify its European aspirations.

The referendum will pose a straightforward question to voters: "Are you for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the EU?" The outcome will be a significant indicator of public support for EU membership in Moldova.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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