
Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms: A citizen of the Republic of Moldova was detained during the protests in Georgia

The Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in Baku informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) in Chisinau that a Moldovan citizen was detained during the protests in Georgia. According to MAE representatives, the Moldovan authorities are in contact with the Georgian authorities.

Reuters / Rețineri în fața Parlamentului georgian
Sursa: Reuters / Rețineri în fața Parlamentului georgian

"Our diplomatic mission is in contact with the Georgian authorities and is willing to take all necessary actions," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced in a statement.

We remind you that following Monday morning's protests in Tbilisi, the Ministry of the Interior of Georgia announced that it had detained 20 demonstrators.

We remind that several demonstrators gathered this morning in front of the Parliament in Tbilisi protesting against the "foreign agents" law.

The detentions happened even as Georgian lawmakers were debating the bill in the Judiciary Committee.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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