
Security of energy supply in the European space discussed in Athens

The efforts supported by the Republic of Moldova to ensure energy security and the importance of adopting innovative strategies and solutions to face current and future challenges in the energy sector were underlined by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, Constantin Borosan, at the "Power Summit 2024", which takes place in Athens.

The platform brought together energy leaders and experts to discuss the challenges and solutions regarding the security of energy supply in the context of the electrification of the European economy and the transition to a decarbonized energy system by 2050, reads a statement issued by the Ministry of Energy. During the discussion panel on "Security of energy supply", Constantin Borosan highlighted the recent infrastructure projects in the Republic of Moldova and investments in renewable energy sources, which have the role of stabilizing and optimizing the national energy system.

"The Republic of Moldova has taken significant steps in the direction of diversifying energy sources and increasing energy independence. We are creating energy interconnections with Romania and in parallel we have started actions for the launch of short-term organized electricity markets so that we are prepared to be connected in a single market in 2025, the single European energy market", said Constantin Borosan.

The panel discussion addressed crucial issues such as optimizing the use of centralized generation, increasing flexibility to support an energy system dominated by renewable sources and addressing regional differences in Europe. Constantin Borosan emphasized that the Republic of Moldova, although a small country, can serve as an example of resilience and adaptation in a dynamic and challenging energy environment.

The Power Summit 2024 event brings together energy industry leaders and experts to explore innovative solutions and essential strategies to ensure a continuous and secure supply of electricity in the context of the transition to a decarbonized and smart energy system. The event takes place in Athens, between May 22-23.

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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