
Siegfried Mureșan, after the signing of the Pact for Europe: The forces that hold back the European integration of the Republic of Moldova must not be given a seat at the "table"

European integration must be supported, and those who want to slow down or to block its accession must be excluded from the discussion table. This is the opinion of MEP Siegfried Muresan, expressed in an interview for Radio Moldova. Mureșan considers the signing of the Pact for Europe today a positive step. However, he emphasized that, along with the pro-European forces that signed the document, there are also parties that declare themselves pro-European, but in reality are projects of the Russian Federation.

Sursa: ziuadeazi.md

"The agreement between the pro-European forces, by which they decide together that they want the European integration of the Republic of Moldova is a good thing, but the agreement between the pro-European and anti-European forces that results in a compromise that slows down the European integration is not that would be a good thing. Any political force that wants to support European integration is welcome, but those who only want to sit at the table tohold back, block, slow down the European accession of the Republic of Moldova, they should not be given a seat at the table", said the MEP.

The association of the signing of the Pact for Europe with the Pact of Snagov must be treated carefully. Or, says Siegfried Mureșan, the pact was agreed by all political forces in Romania, including those who expressed their support for Romania's Euro-Atlantic integration, EU and NATO accession.

"Now in the Republic of Moldova, PAS is the most European party, the most credible. There are also several other smaller pro-European parties, but we know that there are also forces that are not pro-European, there are also forces that declare that they are pro-European, but in fact they are projects of the Russian Federation", Siegfried Muresan added.

He mentioned that the EU sees the desire for European integration of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova and through European integration all the citizens of this country will benefit.

"The EU itself sees the citizens' will for European integration, it sees the implemented reforms, it sees that all commitments have been fulfilled by the authorities and as such, the integration is progressing rapidly (...) Through European integration, all citizens of the Republic of Moldova will benefit ( ...) My exhortation is that the entire population, all categories of people, support this approach to European integration, and the possible political parties that want to stop this approach are not acting in the interest of the people", said the MEP. According to Siegfried Mureșan, in the last two years, the Republic of Moldova has registered successes regarding the accession to the EU.

"In recent years, the EU and the Republic of Moldova have managed to do together, in record time, things that no one considered possible in advance. The Republic of Moldova received the status of a candidate state for EU accession and the decision to start accession negotiations was made unanimously in December last year and the negotiations will begin this year. Each of these stages was recorded in record time. In the case of Romania, four and a half years passed from the moment when we submitted the application for membership until it was decided to start the negotiations. In the case of the Republic of Moldova - less than two years, we made every decision very quickly in the last two years and I am convinced that the next decision, the concrete date to start the accession negotiations, will be made soon", he claims.

We remind that the Pact for Europe, which is similar to that of Snagov, was initialed today, May 26, by 13 parties and signed by 12 parties during the event. The list remains open to other formations, as well as non-governmental organizations. The political formations that initialed the document are: the Green Ecologist Party of Moldova, the Action and Solidarity Party; Party of Development and Consolidation of Moldova; Liberal Democratic Party from Moldova; European Social Democratic Party; National Liberal Party; People's Power Party; National Alternative Movement Party; DA Platform; Party of Change; League of Cities and Towns; The Coalition for Unity and Welfare and the "People's Will" Political Party. The Pact for Europe was formulated by the "Together" bloc - which includes the Dignity and Truth Platform, the Coalition for Unity and Welfare, the Party of Change and the League of Cities and Municipalities.

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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