
Forty one Moldovan soldiers, from the 17th contingent of peacekeepers, returned from Kosovo

The National Army contingent KFOR-17 has returned to the country, after the execution of the peacekeeping mission in Kosovo. On this occasion, the peacekeepers were decorated with distinctions and diplomas, in an official ceremony that took place today, January 23, in Military Camp 142.

Present at the event, Defense Minister Anatolie Nosatîi congratulated the 41 soldiers for their contribution to maintaining international peace and stability.

"I have carefully followed your performance in the KFOR peacekeeping operation and found that during your six months in Kosovo you have done your duty in a professional manner. This was also confirmed by the leadership of the Western Regional Command of the mission, which makes me happy and proud of our peacekeepers", said Minister Anatolie Nosatîi, quoted in a statement issued by the Ministry of Defense.

It should be noted that, on January 18, in the Camp Villaggio Italia military base in the town of Pech, the exchange of authority ceremony took place between the contingents of Moldovan peacekeepers, in the presence of the leadership of the Western Regional Command.

The 41-strong KFOR-17 contingent has been in Kosovo since July 2022, with the peacekeepers performing security and guarding, patrolling and intelligence missions.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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