International Support for Teleradio-Moldova’s Independence
Teleradio-Moldova (TRM) intends to obtain external financial assistance by mobilising civil society, the partner states of the Republic of Moldova, the diplomatic body accredited in Chișinău, and international donors.
Furthermore, the institution aims to have qualified personnel, including journalists and technicians, who can respond to current challenges, said the head of TRM, Vlad Țurcanu, at the launch event of the “Friends of Teleradio-Moldova” Platform.
The TRM Director emphasised the necessity of consolidating the institution through a joint effort, so that society can have clear references to understand and counteract the disinformation that destabilises it.
“We need to secure funds from outside the institution not only to have more money for development but also to increase our independence from the state. As a public institution, we follow the precepts assigned to us to fulfil certain tasks desired or projected by society. At the same time, we must have independence to be professionals and to report objectively about events in society,” added Vlad Țurcanu.
A solid public institution, professionally prepared and well equipped technically, would contribute to consolidating our society around certain national objectives and ideas, said the general director of the “Teleradio-Moldova” Company, Vlad Țurcanu. He emphasised the necessity of an appropriate reaction to current risks to protect the stability essential for the development of the Republic of Moldova.
At the launch event of the Platform, the Romanian and Japanese ambassadors to the Republic of Moldova were present. Japan and Romania are among the founding countries of the platform.
The Japanese ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Yamada Yoichiro, spoke about the necessity of maintaining free expression but also fighting propaganda. “Two years ago, the Moldovan government rightly condemned the aggression of Russia and requested joining the European Union. In response, Russia exerted multiple pressures on Moldova and caused very high inflation by reducing energy deliveries. (...) It is unacceptable for Russian leaders to intimidate a neutral and peace-loving country with invasion,” specified the Japanese diplomat.
The Japanese ambassador in Chișinău also expressed support for the “Friends of Teleradio-Moldova” Platform.
Romania's experience in transforming state television and radio from propaganda instruments into free institutions could be helpful for “Teleradio-Moldova,” said the Romanian ambassador, Cristian Leon-Țurcanu.
“We are part of a group that wishes to contribute greatly to the growth and development of Teleradio-Moldova, which has an especially important role in these turbulent times. As I said, during a period in which the Republic of Moldova is daily the target of hybrid attacks from Russia, attacks that are primarily based on propaganda and fake news. For this reason, we wholeheartedly join this effort to support the Teleradio-Moldova team, Teleradio-Moldova as an institution, and ultimately the citizens on this side of the Prut,” specified the Romanian ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Cristian-Leon Țurcanu.
The Platform remains open for other entities and individuals who want to support the public broadcasting institution at this crucial moment. In a context where media institutions face multiple challenges, community involvement becomes vital to ensure the independence and quality of media services. At the same time, community support contributes to efforts to combat propaganda and disinformation.
Thus, “Friends of Teleradio-Moldova” becomes a meeting and collaboration point for different actors, with the common objective of consolidating TRM's role and impact in the life of the state and in the European course of the Republic of Moldova.
Translation by Iurie Tataru