
Over 2.5 billion dollars - for 32 years. How much money has the USA offered to the Republic of Moldova, since the beginning of the war in Ukraine

For 32 years, the United States of America (USA) financially supported the Republic of Moldova with over 2.5 billion dollars. More than 744 million dollars have arrived in our country since February 2022 - the year in which the Russian Federation militarily invaded the neighboring country, Ukraine, triggering a border war with the Republic of Moldova. The information was confirmed for the Public Broadcaster "Teleradio-Moldova" by the press service of the US Embassy in Chisinau.

"Since 1992, the United States has provided Moldova with over $2.5 billion in foreign aid. The overall goal of our partnership is to build a more democratic, more prosperous and safer future for the people of Moldova," the US Embassy told the Public Broadcaster "Teleradio-Moldova".

American diplomacy in Chisinau also announced that, as of February 2022, US assistance to the Republic of Moldova has exceeded $774 million, including humanitarian assistance for anti-corruption efforts, independent media, countering disinformation, human rights and law enforcement, border security and support for Moldova's energy security, as well as economic recovery and long-term growth.

According to the Presidency, out of the amount of 744 million dollars allocated by the US in the last two years, 300 million are intended to overcome the energy crisis and strengthen energy security.

"Of these funds, $80 million has been used to offset natural gas and electricity bills for low-income citizens, and $135 million is being allocated to increase domestic power generation and the construction of a high-voltage line of 400kV, through the Strășeni (Moldova) and Gutinaș (Romania) power stations, which will connect Moldova to Romania's electrical grid, thus facilitating integration into the European energy grid", reads the Presidency.

We mention that today, in Chisinau, the Secretary General of the USA, Antony Blinken, will arrive on an official visit. The American official will have a meeting with President Maia Sandu and Prime Minister Dorin Recean. At 17:30, Sandu and Blinken will hold a joint press conference. Previously, the United States State Department announced that the American official will announce a new financial aid, which will support the energy independence of the Republic of Moldova and strengthen the country's democracy in the face of Russian threats.

It should be noted that after the start of the war in Ukraine, the USA sanctioned several Moldovan oligarchs who allegedly planned to destabilize the situation in the country. Among them are also deputies from the current Parliament from Chisinau, affiliates of the fugitive oligarch Ilan Șor, former and current leaders of parties that were or tended to reach the government. Likewise, the list of US sanctions includes the oligarch Ilan Şor, who recently announced in Moscow the creation of a political opposition block.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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