
Ten farmers from the Republic of Moldova on a visit to Germany and Austria

A delegation from the Republic of Moldova, led by ten farmers, is making a study visit to Germany and Austria to explore the models of the Agricultural Chambers.

The Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry, Vladimir Bolea, wished the farmers success and stated that he expects them to come back with new ideas and a clear vision of how they can modernize and develop agriculture in the Republic of Moldova.

"In the following days, they will have the opportunity to talk to farmers who have built their success on the basis of the collaboration and support provided by the Austrian and German Chambers of Agriculture. I encouraged them to ask as many questions as possible, to observe how these structures work and are organized and to think about the ways in which these models can be adapted and implemented in the Republic of Moldova", wrote the Minister of Agriculture on his socialization page.

We remind that agricultural chambers will be established in the Republic of Moldova. The project, which aims to represent and protect the interests of farmers, was supported by the Legislative in the first reading, with the vote of 58 deputies, on April 25.

The document is to be finalized after the consultations with the farmers and examined by the Parliament in the second reading. According to Vladimir Bolea, the benefits of the future agricultural chambers will be shared by thousands of small farmers who currently do not have agricultural consultancy, access to new technologies and financial support.

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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