
Expert: A possible accession of the Republic of Moldova to NATO may raise concerns in Moscow

Political commentator Veaceslav Berbeca claims that a possible accession of the Republic of Moldova to NATO may raise concerns in Moscow, or the Russian Federation, according to the expert, wants to keep our country in its sphere of influence. Berbeca's statements were made in the Moldova 1TV news program, in the context of recent statements by President Maia Sandu for the Politico publication, but also of the reactions coming, as a result of these statements, from the Russian Federation.

"Joining NATO would be a security solution, because in this way the Republic of Moldova would solve its problems related to its military security. The Russian Federation is concerned that the Republic of Moldova, once it joins this structure, will leave its sphere of influence. (…) There are two solutions: either join NATO, or if not, being neutral, you have to take care of your own army," said political commentator Veaceslav Berbeca on Moldova 1 TV. The expert commented, for our TV station, on the latest threats to Chisinau from Moscow. "It is a disqualifying message, but one that fits perfectly into the rhetoric of threats by the Russian Federation towards the states that want to join the Euro-Atlantic structures, or that means getting out of the control of the Russian Federation, which they do not want to admit, that's why they come with threats to the Republic of Moldova. (…) They do not want the Republic of Moldova to take this step, to join NATO. They would like the Republic of Moldova to continue to be neutral, a fictitious neutrality, because Russia is also the state that does not respect the state of neutrality of the Republic of Moldova", said Veaceslav Berbeca. We remind you that President Maia Sandu recently declared for the Politico publication that in the context of the war in Ukraine, a "serious discussion" is taking place in Chisinau about the opportunity to renounce the neutrality enshrined in the Constitution and join "a more military alliance ", without giving the name of a concrete alliance. Following the statements of the head of state, the regime in Moscow came up with new threats to Chisinau, through which it warned our country of the "repetition of the Ukrainian scenario". This time through the voice of the vice president of the International Affairs Committee of the Federation Council, Andrei Klimov. According to the Russian official, the Republic of Moldova risks repeating the "suicidal policy" of the Ukrainian leader, Volodymyr Zelensky.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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