
Prime Minister Dorin Recean in Berlin: "By investing in Moldova, you contribute to the goal of ensuring peace and stability"

Prime Minister Dorin Recean met in Berlin with heads of state and government, representatives of international organizations and the business environment, to reaffirm our full support for Ukraine, for democratic values and peace in Europe.

Telegram: Daniel Vodă
Sursa: Telegram: Daniel Vodă

"We are stronger together and we see this through the support that the international community is giving to the Ukraine recovery process. Moldova, which has the second longest border with Ukraine, is ready to become an essential strategic center for the Ukraine recovery. We are developing and expanding our road and rail networks to provide more connectivity between Ukraine and the European Union. We are creating a favorable and accessible environment for the business environment and foreign investors", said Dorin Recean.

According to the prime minister, "all these things help us to build a European Moldova, to develop the economy, to increase the number of well-paid jobs at home, but also to offer better living conditions to all citizens".

During the event, the Prime Minister said that now is the best time to invest in Moldova and Ukraine: "By investing in Moldova, you are not only supporting us, but also contributing to the broader goal of ensuring peace and stability in the region ", pointed out Dorin Recean.

We remind you that on June 11-12, the Ukraine Recovery Conference will be held in Berlin, where the prime minister will have several meetings.

Telegram: Daniel Vodă
Sursa: Telegram: Daniel Vodă
Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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