
EU Status Spurs Chișinău-Tiraspol Reintegration Talks

The current dynamics of the Chișinău-Tiraspol dialogue were the subject of discussion at the meeting between Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Oleg Serebrian, the special missions ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from Kyiv, Paun Rohovei, and the Ukrainian ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Marko Șevcenko.

The officials discussed the necessity of boosting reintegration policies through the opportunities offered by candidate status for joining the European Union.

"The common commitment to consolidate dialogue and coordination on aspects of the Transnistrian issue was emphasised, aiming to maintain a secure atmosphere, solve the most urgent problems of the inhabitants on both banks of the Dniester, and create favourable conditions for achieving the strategic goal of reunifying the country," according to the statement issued by the Bureau for Reintegration.

During the meeting, Oleg Serebrian reiterated Chișinău's willingness to convene a new meeting of the Moldovan-Ukrainian intergovernmental commission for commercial-economic cooperation in the second half of 2024.

In turn, the special missions ambassador of Ukraine reconfirmed firm support for achieving a final settlement of the Transnistrian conflict within the internationally recognized borders of the country and thanked the authorities in Chișinău for their support of Ukraine.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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