
Klaus Iohannis: "Republic of Moldova is our partner most affected by the war, we must give it the necessary support"

The Republic of Moldova is our partner most affected by the war and we must ensure that we give it all the necessary support. This is what the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, declared at the joint press conference with the President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, who is on an official visit to Romania.

Sursa: presidency.ro

"I congratulate Mr. President for the results of the visit to Chisinau. I am glad that, together, we are concretely and decisively supporting the Republic of Moldova's accession to the European Union. The Republic of Moldova is our partner most affected by the war, and we must make sure that we give it all the necessary support", said Klaus Iohannis.

Klaus Iohannis discussed with the President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, about the results of the European elections, stating that the important turnout is proof of the interest of European citizens in the future of the European project and its benefits.

"The European Union is the most relevant political project of Europe, which has brought peace and prosperity, it is our destiny and our future. If the European Union strengthens the principles of solidarity and internal cohesion, its position in the world will certainly be strengthened. During our discussions, we also addressed issues regarding the consolidation of our common, European family, and emphasized how significant the rigorous planning of the European Union's Strategic Agenda remains for the next period," said the President of Romania, according to the Bucharest Presidency.

The two officials spoke about the security concerns generated by the war that Russia continues to wage against Ukraine, with a strong negative impact for the region, but also for the entire Euro-Atlantic space.

"We will continue to work together with Italy and all our Allies to strengthen NATO's role in preventing any war and defending our states, by strengthening its deterrence and defense posture on the Eastern Flank, but also on the Southern Flank", said Iohannis.

We remind you that the president of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, paid a visit to Chisinau on June 17-18. Italy and the Republic of Moldova signed a joint statement in support of our country's accession to the EU.

This was the first official visit of an Italian president to our country, Italy being the sixth trading partner of the Republic of Moldova and the country that hosts the largest community of Moldovans in the diaspora.

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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