
Romania & Moldova Bridge Project Advances

Construction on Romania's A8 motorway, also known as the Union Motorway, is progressing. In July, they are scheduled to sign the contract to build the bridge over the Prut River at Ungheni.

This bridge will become the key connection point between the Romanian motorway and the planned motorway in the Republic of Moldova, which is expected to be completed by 2027.

The World Bank and the European Commission are jointly providing a 20 million euro grant to construct access roads to the bridge at Ungheni and the Leușeni customs point. This project also includes the construction of customs facilities by 2027 to facilitate border crossings and customs controls.

A feasibility study is currently underway to determine the route of the motorway. This study is expected to be finalised in 2025, according to the State Secretary of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development.

The Romanian government will cover the construction costs of the Ungheni bridge, the access road, and all related infrastructure located on its territory. Moldova will finance the construction of its section of the motorway with approximately 36 million lei.

Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced in Iași on May 17 that some sections of the A8 motorway, which links the Moldovan region to Transylvania, will be financed with loans in addition to European funds.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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