
Several doctors at the Oncology Institute were dismissed

A group of doctors from the Oncological Institute were dismissed for passive corruption. The announcement was made by the Minister of Health, Ala Nemerenco.

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The resignations take place after 14 searches were carried out by the officers of the National Anti-Corruption Center and the prosecutors of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office at the Oncological Institute in July 2023, in a case of passive and active corruption.

According to the minister, several doctors, some with management positions, were suspected of claiming and accepting illicit remuneration from patients for the provision of medical services (surgical interventions, consultations and investigations), which should have been provided free of charge.

"The investigation has ended, the facts proved, the materials submitted to the institution and to the court. The Oncological Institute terminated the employment contracts with them. I want it to be a clear signal to the entire medical system - no one can take money from parents, grandparents, siblings, neighbors, or friends. If they are not your parents, grandparents, brothers, or friends, please remember that they are still someone's. And life is priceless, as we doctors value it with a certain cost. We are left with a much bigger mission - to save it", wrote the Minister of Health on the Facebook page.

Following the searches of the suspects' homes, offices and cars, cash in lei and different currencies, records of people who received medical assistance were seized. The employees were searched at large.

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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