
Moldova Battles Locust Invasion: ANSA Takes Action

Moldova's National Food Safety Agency (ANSA) has begun treating agricultural land in Cairaclia and Copceac that has been infested with locusts.

The infestation prompted ANSA to convene Emergency Situations Commissions, which allocated funding to locate and eliminate the outbreaks. Specialised companies equipped with sprayers and drones were contracted to treat the affected areas, totaling approximately 550 hectares across both locations. ANSA inspectors are currently monitoring the ongoing treatments to ensure the locusts do not spread to other regions.

The Ministry of Agriculture emphasised the importance of preventative measures for landowners and local authorities. The recent locust outbreaks are a direct consequence of neglecting these preventative monitoring practices. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines. Specifically, farmers face penalties of up to 2,500 lei, while legal entities can be fined up to 15,000 lei.

ANSA's Plant Protection Director, Viorel Chetrari, reported the detection of two separate locust outbreaks. One outbreak covers 600 hectares in Cairaclia, Taraclia district, and the other spans 650 hectares in Copceac, Ceadîr-Lunga district, Gagauzia. Treatment efforts are currently underway in both locations to contain and eliminate the infestations.

Experts attribute the expansion of this locust infestation to recent weather patterns, including last year's drought and this year's heavy rainfall. These conditions are believed to have contributed to the favourable environment for locust reproduction.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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