
Moldova Ends Cereal & Oilseed Import Permits

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA) announced the removal of the mandatory import permit for cereals and oilseeds.

This follows the dissolution of the Import Licensing Commission, which had been operational since October 2023.

In a response to Teleradio-Moldova, MAIA indicated that on April 1, approximately 70,000 tons of wheat and 80,000 tons of corn were stockpiled in warehouses belonging to businesses across the country.

"Licensing regulations can only be implemented for a maximum of three months, with a single possible extension of another three months," explained MAIA in a press release. "Therefore, the timeframe for which cereal and oilseed import licensing could be applied has reached its expiration."

MAIA further clarified, based on data collected from district agricultural departments, that roughly 70,000 tons of wheat and 80,000 tons of corn were stored in warehouses on April 1. The Ministry added that additional quantities of wheat and corn are likely held in grain elevators throughout the country. However, MAIA acknowledges limitations in acquiring precise data from these facilities due to their private ownership.

"There is no cause for concern," declared MAIA's State Secretary, Vasile Șarban. "We are not facing a seed surplus or any agricultural industry issues. Potential challenges might only emerge with the arrival of the new harvest in late August or early September. Until then, we will continue to monitor the situation and develop strategies to safeguard domestic producers."

According to MAIA, between October 11, 2023, and April 8, 2024, twelve licences were issued for the import of roughly 69,500 tons of sunflower seeds. These imports included 1,200 tons specifically designated for the confectionery industry, encompassing varieties not cultivated within the Republic of Moldova. Additionally, 44 tons of corn for popcorn were authorised for import, sourced from varieties and hybrids not domestically grown.

The licensing system for wheat, corn, and sunflower seed imports was introduced in October 2023 for a three-month period. The system was subsequently extended for an additional three months.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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