
Two localities from the Ștefan Vodă district merge to benefit from financial support

Two localities from the Ștefan Vodă district: Volintiri and Copceac, could be the first localities to merge voluntarily, as part of the amalgamation reform. We learn more from the material made by Svetlana Bogatu for the show "Zi de zi" on Radio Moldova.

The mayor of the village of Volintiri, Igor Hîncu, says that until he publicly announced the amalgamation decision, the local administrations followed the necessary stages of this process. The decision is to be voted on at the meeting of the local Councils, which will take place in July.

Amalgamation is necessary, believes Igor Hîncu, who argues that the two localities will benefit.

"I understand that any change is painful, any novelty is scary, but if we start the voluntary amalgamation now we will also benefit from financial supplements to the budget. Annually, until that amalgamation takes place, until 2030. But there is a lot to be done. People are afraid that it will not be like when the common counties were united, and for a certificate they have to go far. But in Volintiri and Copceac we also have a joint Center for public services", said Igor Hîncu.

Although it is a topic that has sparked many discussions, amalgamation is a solution for localities and town halls that do not have sufficient specialists and financial resources for the development of villages, according to the mayor of Copceac, Vasile Șîntari. "We want to offer better services, have concrete budgets, we lack specialists. I think that the merging will not affect the citizens at all", said Vasile Șîntari.

The process of amalgamation involves the absorption of villages, communes, cities or municipalities by a nearby locality stronger in terms of administrative capabilities, thus forming a new administrative-territorial unit. There are also some conditions, the new unit must have at least 3000 inhabitants, and the town hall must be able to cover the expenses of at least 12 employees, as well as a few other conditions.

In November 2023, the Government approved the voluntary amalgamation methodology and announced that localities will benefit from financial support for the preparation of this process.

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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