
MEC: Nursery groups will be opened in kindergartens in 15 localities in the Republic of Moldova

Nursery groups for children aged up to two will be opened in kindergartens in 15 localities in the Republic of Moldova. They will be opened based on a project implemented by the World Bank, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Research (MEC) and the National Office for Regional and Local Development. The amount of investments amounts to more than 2 million dollars, and the renovation works of the halls will start next year. Services will be available for at least 15 children in each locality.

According to the Ministry of Education, the list of beneficiary institutions has already been approved.

To participate in the competition, the kindergartens met a series of criteria, including the minimum number of 150 children enrolled, free space available for renovation, APL's commitment to provide services for children aged 0-2 years.

The renovation and equipping of the nursery groups will be done within the "Improving the Quality of Education" project.

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