
Socialists decided to boycott the referendum on EU integration

The referendum on the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union (EU), initiated by the president Maia Sandu, will be boycotted by the Socialist Party (PSRM). The representatives of the formation adopted a resolution to this effect at the meeting of the Republican Council of the party, which took place today. Socialists say the plebiscite aims to maintain the current government. The Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) has not yet commented on these statements, but political analysts consider the Socialists' decision "nonsense".

The parties have the right to be against the referendum on EU integration, but this must be done in a civilized way, not through lies and manipulations, said Valeriu Paşa, the executive director of WatchDog.

"It is their right to have a position. If they are against European integration, let them come and argue this position, engage in some debates based on arguments, but not on all kinds of manipulations (...) It is their right to be against, but to do it civilly, not through lies and manipulations. From my point of view, it is the worst option, because instead of encouraging citizens to be active, to participate in decision-making, we encourage them to stay at home. It is anti-democratic to some extent, especially in the current context", said the expert Valeriu Paşa on the "Zi de zi" show on Radio Moldova.

The goal of the pro-Russian parties is that this election does not bring a favorable result for European integration, said political analyst Anatol Tăbârță.

"The easiest way to compromise a referendum is to boycott it. When you go to the polls, you can have surprises. First, ensure the participation threshold or increase its legitimacy, and, secondly, those who will show up can vote for what you don't want, in this case, the socialists don't want that in this referendum , the population should vote for the European path of the Republic of Moldova", believes Ion Tăbârță.

We remind you that on July 9, the communists urged the electorate to vote "against" the amendment of the Constitution in the referendum initiated by the current government and announced the launch of a voter information campaign to prevent the amendment of the Constitution.

Meanwhile, several parties in the declared pro-European opposition have announced that they will urge their supporters to participate in the referendum and support the country's European membership.

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