
Igor Grosu: Withdrawal from the CIS, a decision made for European integration

The Republic of Moldova will continue the process of gradual withdrawal from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Although it is not a condition of the European Union, the presence in the CIS is not compatible with European integration, said the Parliament Speaker, Igor Grosu, during the show "In Context", on Moldova 1 TV.

"It cannot be compatible because we have said very clearly: our vector and the development model we want for the Republic of Moldova is the European Union model. Hence the initiative, the political decision to organize the constitutional referendum regarding the very clear mention in the Constitution regarding the vector of European integration", said the Parliament Speaker. Grosu emphasized that the withdrawal from CIS agreements is not a condition of Brussels, but it is a decision assumed by Chisinau.

"Obviously it is a process that will last, because any agreement, and we have denounced several agreements, has gone through an evaluation process. For example, if there are agreements now on the CIS dimension that target the rights of our compatriots – either from Russia or other countries, members of the CIS - we cannot unilaterally simply interrupt these agreements, without having a bilateral agreement . So things must be done gradually, not at the expense of our citizens. But the vector and the direction we consistently go is that of European integration", the official explained.

The Parliament Speaker also declared that the October 20 referendum will clearly show that the citizens of the Republic of Moldova want European integration, and those who dispute or want to boycott the plebiscite have no alternatives to the European model that means peace, stability and well-being.

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