
Can Moldova Protect Its Culture in the Digital Age?

A recent gathering of artists at the Writers' House focused on the need for legislative changes within Moldova's cultural sector.

This discussion arose in the context of the country's ongoing negotiations for accession to the European Union. The aim is to ensure that Moldova's cultural legislation aligns with European standards, particularly in areas such as education, media, research, and cultural institutions.

The growing phenomenon of information warfare also emerged as a key topic. Speakers highlighted the shift in emphasis from traditional warfare, where military force dominated, to the increasingly prominent role of information warfare in the modern world. Concerns were raised about the potential decline of the written press and the press's role, sometimes, in the manipulation of historical narratives.

Participants in the dialogue called for a reform of the cultural sector to secure access to European funding that would support cultural development in Moldova. Another critical issue identified is the need to safeguard the information space and cultural domain. Many media outlets, particularly television channels, offer packages where a significant portion (around 80%) of the content is not in Romanian. This raises concerns about how to safeguard Moldova's cultural environment in a globalised media landscape.

The Cultural Dialogues series at the Writers' House is a weekly forum for discussions on these and other important issues facing Moldova's cultural landscape.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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