
German Citizen Rico Krieger Sentenced to Death in Belarus

A German citizen, Rico Krieger, has been sentenced to death in Belarus. This information was confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, reports Meduza.

The sentence was pronounced by the Minsk Regional Court, and according to the Belarusian publication "Zerkalo," this took place on June 21. The publication emphasises that no official comments have been issued regarding this case - it is not even known what exactly Krieger has been accused of. Additionally, it is unclear if the sentence has been contested or if it has come into effect.

According to the Telegram channel "MotylkoPomogi," Krieger is an employee of the German Red Cross and has been accused, among other things, of participating in an extremist formation, mercenarism, espionage activities, and terrorism.

The human rights organisation "Viasna" has declared that the case is "linked" to the regiment named after Kastus Kalinouski - a Belarusian volunteer formation that fights on the side of Ukraine against Russia.

Belarus is the only country in Europe where the death penalty remains in force. In the last ten years, between one and four death sentences have been carried out annually in the country.

"Zerkalo" describes the death sentence for a foreign citizen as an "extremely rare case."

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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