
Water Supply Restrictions Impact 449 Romanian Localities

The water supply to the population in Romania is provided with restrictions by water operators, specifically during certain time intervals, for 449 localities.

This figure represents 15% of the localities nationwide, including six cities: Dorohoi, Târgu Neamț, Târgu Ocna, Roman, Pașcani, and Hârlău, as well as partially the Municipality of Iași, which have centralised systems, reports the National Administration “Romanian Waters” (ANAR), according to Agerpres.

The most affected localities are in the counties of Botoșani (140 localities), Iași (77), Alba (62), Gorj (35), Vrancea (21), Bacău (19), Neamț (17), Galați (16), Hunedoara (12), Vaslui (10), and Olt and Argeș (eight localities each).

Meanwhile, in 251 localities that do not have centralised water supply systems but rely on individual sources, wells have dried up, and the communities are affected by drought. The majority of the affected localities are in the counties of Botoșani, Vaslui, Prahova, Suceava, Neamț, Bacău, Vrancea, Iași, and Galați. The most severely impacted remain the localities in the counties of Botoșani (144 localities, including partially the Municipality of Dorohoi), Vaslui (61), Neamț (12), Iași (7), and Suceava (9).

According to experts, restriction plans during this period of deficiency are drawn up for each river section for users whose exploitation capacities of water resources are diminished, depending on the specifics of their activity and the overall economy.

As individual solutions for water saving, where possible, alternatives for storing and recirculating water in domestic activities (gardening, washing, bathing) are recommended, as well as in the industrial or agricultural sectors.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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