
Poland warns Europe to prepare for ‘change’ in US ties

Poland's foreign minister has warned European allies they need to prepare for a "change" in the transatlantic relationship and start spending more on defense — no matter who's elected U.S. president in November.In comments shared exclusively with POLITICO, Radek Sikorski said he believed that the United States would remain a "strategic partner" for the European Union regardless of who wins the U.S. presidential race.

But European countries have "no other choice" than to take on more responsibility for their collective defense given that Washington will continue to "keep a close eye on Asia."

"It is our job to explain to our U.S. partners that as long as we are feeling Russia's threat, we won't be able to engage fully there," he said referring to Asia, where European countries have far fewer forces deployed than the United States.

The comments from Sikorski, which were made after U.S. President Joe Biden announced he's withdrawing from the presidential race, underscore growing concern among Washington's European allies that the U.S. may significantly downgrade its investment into NATO, especially if former President Donald Trump and his isolationist running mate, JD Vance, are elected to the White House in November.

While Europe is more nervous about Trump's potential return, diplomats from several EU countries argue that the pivot toward Asia is a deeper trend in U.S. foreign policy and has been ongoing under Democrat as well as Republican presidents.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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