
France is ready for the Olympics, President Emmanuel Macron

President Emmanuel Macron visited the Olympic village on Monday. An important part of the athletes and Olympic delegations arrived here. Meanwhile, a far-left MP claims that Israeli athletes are not welcome in Paris and demands that they participate under a neutral flag. Kremlin criticizes the fact that not all Russian journalists were accredited to follow the Olympic Games in France, RFI reports.

AFP / Presedintele Frantei, Emmanuel Macron pozeaza cu voluntarii din Satul Olimpic, Saint-Denis, la nord de Paris, 22 iulie 2024. Seful statului a vizitat satul olimpic înainte de deschiderea Jocurilor Olimpice de vara. Ceremonia de deschidere va avea loc pe 26 iulie 2024
Sursa: AFP / Presedintele Frantei, Emmanuel Macron pozeaza cu voluntarii din Satul Olimpic, Saint-Denis, la nord de Paris, 22 iulie 2024. Seful statului a vizitat satul olimpic înainte de deschiderea Jocurilor Olimpice de vara. Ceremonia de deschidere va avea loc pe 26 iulie 2024

"We are ready" for the opening of this global event, the leader of the Elysée Palace said on Monday, thanking the forces mobilized to ensure the smooth running of this event.

The leader from Paris also said that it is time for a political truce, given that negotiations are taking place for the set up of a government, as a result of early legislative elections.

The head of state visited, on Monday morning, the Olympic village located in Saint-Denis, north of Paris, where he spoke of a "sporting celebration" that should be doubled by an Olympic and political truce. The Games will be in the spotlight, and the world will come to France because of the Olympics.

He did not say whether a prime minister would be appointed before the opening of the Olympics.

Four days after the opening of the Olympics, Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné said that "the Israeli delegation is welcome in France", after a far-left MP from France Insoumise said exactly the opposite. After the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack in Israel, the far-left group was accused of anti-Semitism.

The Kremlin criticizes the fact that not all Russian journalists were accredited to cover the Olympics in France.

The Kremlin considers "unacceptable" France's refusal not to accredit some Russian journalists for the Olympic Games in Paris. The resigned Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, announced at the end of the week that the French security services had refused more than 4,000 applications for accreditation for the Olympic Games, as a precautionary measure in matters of espionage or cybernetics.

The French official spoke of about 100 people from Russia, Belarus and other countries, suspected of espionage, who were not authorized to attend this world event.

On Monday, the spokesman of the Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov, said that these are unacceptable decisions that could lead to the limitation of the freedom of the media and said that he would like to hear the reaction of organizations defending human rights, but also of NGOs that defend the principles and freedom of the media.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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