
European Integration Dispute: Moldova's 'Europe for You' Campaign Under Scrutiny

European integration, a national project endorsed by the authorities, has become the subject of a complaint filed with the Prosecutor's Office by socialist and communist deputies.

They accuse the State Chancellery of illegally using state budget funds for informational materials related to the accession process and the October 20 referendum. The central authorities reject these accusations and urge the opposition not to politicise the issue of European integration.

"Regarding the management of public funds from the state budget by the State Chancellery of the Republic of Moldova for promoting messages with an electoral character, such as billboards, spots, and other informational materials including newspapers," said BCS deputy Vlad Batrîncea. "The State Chancellery is a public authority that, according to the law, is responsible for the activities of the Government and cannot organise or participate in electoral campaigns."

Contacted by Teleradio-Moldova, government officials rejected the accusations and dismissed them as unfounded. Furthermore, they requested that the issue of European integration not be politicised. The Vice President of Parliament, PAS deputy Doina Gherman, responded in the plenary session to socialist Batrîncea.

"European integration is a strategic objective embraced by the pro-European government in Chișinău. The referendum is a quintessential democratic exercise, allowing all citizens to express their views on various essential societal issues, including European integration," stated Doina Gherman.

In the context of starting accession negotiations with the European bloc, the Government launched the "Europe for You" campaign on July 8. This campaign informs citizens about the benefits and opportunities provided by the European Union via informational newspapers, billboards, posters, video and audio spots, and the website moldovaeuropeana.md. The campaign is conducted and funded by the State Chancellery.

Additionally, as part of the campaign, which will run until August 18, European excursions are organised for children from various localities visiting the capital. The cost of these activities is 2.5 million lei. The "Europe for You" campaign aims to counter falsehoods and misleading narratives propagated by Kremlin propaganda about the importance of the European Union.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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