
UPDATE // Employee of the Russian Embassy, ​​involved in the espionage scandal, expelled from the Republic of Moldova

UPDATE 10:28: The assistant to the military attaché of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Moldova, who allegedly rounded up two officials from Chisinau in order to obtain information that could have been used against the interests of our country, has been declared persona non grata. The decision was taken at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on August 1. In response, the Russian ambassador in Chisinau qualified the decision as "unfriendly". According to him, Russia will issue a similar decision.

"The decision of the Moldovan authorities was taken amid the specific activities undertaken, as a result of which information and evidence were obtained that attest organization of activities on the territory of the Republic of Moldova (by the Russian diplomat) incompatible with the diplomatic status", announces the MFA. The employee of the Russian Embassy is about to leave the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau's diplomacy stated.

WatchDog expert Andrei Curăraru believes that the espionage agents of the Russian Federation have managed to round up other civil servants from the Republic of Moldova, and to avoid such cases, the authorities must apply more rigorous measures to employment.

"Is he the only factor that could be infiltrated? Certainly not. As a rule, they opt for branches or networks of agents who check each other's information, who can influence several decisions from several sides or who can give additional operations to those Russian spies operating in the Republic of Moldova to ensure that the result of their work is strengthened ", said the expert for Moldova 1 TV.

Initial news: The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Moldova, Oleg Vasnetsov, was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on August 1. The decision was taken after the day before two officials - an employee of the Parliament and another of the Border Police - were detained for treason and conspiracy against the Republic of Moldova. Moldova 1 TV sources stated that the employee of the Russian Embassy, who would have rounded up the two officials, will be declared persona non grata.

We remind you that PCCOCS prosecutors and SIS officers raided the Parliament on July 31. As a result, two officials were detained for 72 hours, for treason and conspiracy against the Republic of Moldova. According to unofficial sources obtained by Moldova 1 TV, it is the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Moldova.

Ion Creangă, the head of the Legal Department of the Parliament, is targeted in the file, confirmed the Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu. The file also concerns an employee of the Border Police, who worked at the Airport.

This is the second case of espionage in the Republic of Moldova, in the last two months.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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