
Cristina Gherasimov, about the referendum: "A positive result will be the signal that citizens want EU membership"

A possible positive result in the autumn referendum will be the strongest signal that citizens want security and membership in the European Union. This is what the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Cristina Gherasimov, said in a show on Deschide.md. However, she stated that if the result is negative, this would mean another missed opportunity in the history of our country. However, Gerasimov is optimistic, stressing that during the last two years, citizens have clearly understood the difference between east and west.

Sursa: newsmaker.md

"If we are going to have a positive vote, this will be the strongest political signal, when we as a country are united and we want a safe path and the safety of tomorrow. I don't want to discuss a pessimistic scenario, where the referendum might not pass, because I trust our citizens", said Cristina Gherasimov.

Although she does not believe in a pessimistic scenario, the chief negotiator admits that, in case of a possible failure, there will be reactions from the European Union.

"Of course, there will be a reaction from Brussels, there will be a reaction from the member states of the European Union. Suppose our citizens decide that they do not want to see the Republic of Moldova in the European Union. In that case, it will be another missed opportunity missed in the history of the Republic of Moldova", says the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration.

The republican constitutional referendum for joining the European Union will take place on October 20, the same day as the presidential elections. At the autumn plebiscite, citizens will have to answer the question "Do you support the amendment of the Constitution with a view to the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union?". The draft amendment to the Constitution provides for adding two new paragraphs to the Supreme Law, which reconfirms the European identity of the people of the Republic of Moldova and the irreversibility of our country's European path. Also, integration into the European Union will be declared as a strategic objective of the country.

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