
President Sandu announces COVID-19 diagnosis, isolates at home

Moldovan President Maia Sandu announced live on Facebook that she has contracted COVID-19 and, as a result, will be unable to participate in public events.

"I don’t have any symptoms other than feeling a bit more tired than usual, but to avoid putting others at risk, I will remain in isolation for the next few days," stated President Sandu in her video message. She urged citizens to remain vigilant, emphasising that COVID-19 has not yet disappeared.

"If you notice symptoms, get tested and consult with your doctor. I wish you all good health, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your understanding," President Sandu added.

"Madam President is feeling well and continues her work from home. All events dedicated to celebrating the Republic of Moldova's Independence Day will proceed as scheduled," announced Adrian Băluțel, the head of the President's Cabinet.

Over the past week, 630 new cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Chișinău alone. Recently, the nationwide infection rate has been steadily increasing. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Health does not deem it necessary to declare a state of emergency and has criticised any suggestions to do so.

From August 26th to 28th, the Government will be organising a series of concerts in the Great National Assembly Square, featuring both local and international artists.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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