
Turkey seeks membership in BRICS to expand global influence

Turkey has formally requested to join the BRICS group of emerging market countries as it aims to increase its global influence and build new relationships beyond its traditional Western allies, according to sources familiar with the matter, as reported by Bloomberg.

This request was made a few months ago amid Turkey’s dissatisfaction with the European Union, which the country has been seeking to join since 2005, along with disagreements with NATO allies. Turkish authorities have not formally confirmed their BRICS candidacy, DW notes.

Over the weekend, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that Turkey could become powerful, prosperous, prestigious, and effective if it enhances its relations with both the East and the West simultaneously. Erdogan emphasised that any other approach would "only harm" Turkey.

Joining BRICS would help Turkey bolster economic cooperation with Russia and China, the sources added. Turkey aims to become a "hub for exporting" gas from Russia and Central Asia.

Currently, BRICS comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, the UAE, Iran, Egypt, and Ethiopia.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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