
Statement of the preselection committee of candidates for the position of chief prosecutor of the PCCOCS

The Superior Council of Prosecutors comes with more details, after today morning, all the members of the Special Commission for pre-selection of candidates for the headship of the PCCOCS resigned. According to CSP, under the current conditions, it is impossible to continue the competition.

The same informative note mentioned that in today's meeting only three of the five members of the Special Commission met, who took note of the request of Eugeniu Rurac, candidate for the position of prosecutor - head of the PCCOCS, to withdraw from the contest .

We remind you that in the morning of today all the members of the Special Commission for pre-selection of candidates for the headship of PCCOCS resigned.

On January 31, the members of the Superior Council of Prosecutors voted against canceling the competition for the head of the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS), although the Minister of Justice, Sergiu Litvinenco insisted on its immediate cancellation.

Last week, Iulian Groza, one of the members of the Preselection Commission complained of pressure and attempts at intimidation and requested the annulment of the results of the first stage of the contest. The second stage was to take place today.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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