
Orthodox Christians observe the beheading of Saint John the Baptist, day of fasting and prayer

September 11 is a day of fasting and praying for Orthodox Christians who observe the Beheading of the Holy Prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist.

John the Baptist, who was a fasting man, like an angel and unlike King Herod Antipas who, as a result of the extravagant feast, asked the seductive Salome to dance for him and offered her John the Baptist’s head as a reward.

On this day some zealous believers refuse to cut the bread or the melon so as to avoid taking part in Herod’s crime. The Church observes the holiday with liturgy and recommends Christians to meditate, to pray and mention in their prayers the one through whom God spoke and who baptized Jesus, the Great Prophet John the Baptist.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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