
President Maia Sandu, guest of a Special Edition, on Moldova 1 TV

European integration, the relationship between the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, the situation in the Gagauz autonomy and that in the Transnistrian region - are some of the topics addressed with the president Maia Sandu, who is invited to a special edition, in Russian, on Moldova 1 TV, at 17:00.

In the same way, the edition will address the justice reform, especially the specialized court that would investigate cases of grand corruption, the creation of which was requested by Maia Sandu in 2023.

The head of state will say whether or not the republican constitutional referendum on October 20 could speed up the process of joining the EU bloc and strengthen society around the national project of European integration.

Watch the special edition live, starting at 17:00, on Moldova 1 TV, on YouTube and Facebook.

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