
The Republic of Moldova borrows 200 million euros for the expansion and rehabilitation of forests

The Republic of Moldova signed a loan agreement with the European Investment Bank in the amount of 200 million euros, money that will be used for the expansion and rehabilitation of forests. According to the Ministry of the Environment, the new forest areas will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 12 million tons over the next 30 years.

It is also estimated that the project will generate more than 10 thousand jobs in the field of forestry in rural areas. The investment will also be used for the purchase of modern equipment and the construction of three regional centers for the production of planting material, as well as a National Center for Forestry Genetics.

Also, 265 kilometers of forest roads and 30 wood storage warehouses will be built, facilitating access to forest resources and improving the transport system. The project will also include the installation of surveillance cameras in areas at risk of fire and illegal logging, ensuring effective monitoring and protection of forests.

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